Saturday, January 14, 2017

Plythal : Lethal Layering System

Lethal Layering System


  I purchased my Plythal Layering System in September, just in time for opening day of bow season in Ohio. I was hesitant at first, they did not provide a women's line. The women's line I was using at that time was okay enough to get me by, but I was looking for something more. I needed flexibility, athletic fit, silence, versatility, concealment, and water resistance. There isn't much that will keep me out of the woods and Plythal helped make my successful season possible. I have been hunting for 22 years, and my Plythal gear has topped any other system I have worn.

 Beanie 3.0, Pre-Rut 2.0 Jacket and Pant
Women's fit : I am 5'4 and 128 lbs wearing a size Small in the Pre-Rut 2.0 Jacket and Pant. As an experienced hunter, I like for my gear to be more fitted rather than bulky. This system surpassed my expectations of keeping me moving and not weighing me down. As a woman hunter, this does not change anything. Do not steer away from Plythal just because they currently do not have a women's line.

Digital Forest
Concealment : Digital patterns are beginning to take over the hunting industry, and for good reason. I was one that said I would never switch to digital, that it couldn't make that big of a difference. I was wrong. I noticed a difference this season with the digital forest pattern, as I set my stands only 18-20 feet up in the tree. Plus hunting on the ground during gun/muzzleloader season, I need the ultimate breakup pattern. The digital forest utilizes natural based colors, with a tough of light, to break up the human outline whether on the ground, or in a tree. For hunting the lucid whitetail, or in the high desert country chasing elk.
Beanie 2.0 in Digital Forest

Flexibility : Plythal makes you light, mobile, and functional. I am active as a whitetail hunter, it's not always a short walk to the stand and straight up a tree to sit. I rarely use an ATV or take the short cut to where I will be hunting. My plythal gear moves with my body and gives me that advantage to go the extra mile while hunting mature whitetails. Sometimes we are caught in less than desirable positions on our way to the stand, in which we have to remain frozen for an extended period of time as to not spook that observant doe. Other times we are eating lunch in a tree waiting for that perfect opportunity at a mature buck during rut. No matter the circumstance, Plythal provided me the comfort and flexibility I needed to make the best of my season.

Silence : Simply stealthy! I grew up hunting with my dad, this man is a ghost in the wind. I remember getting "the look" when I was too noisy walking to our designated hunting spot. This season before my dad and I separated to go to our stands he turned and complimented how quiet my new gear was. He was impressed and so was I. This is especially key when climbing in and out of the stand and when preparing to shoot your intended game of choice.

Water Resistance : If you are like me, I could be in the woods morning, noon, and evening. Especially during the rut! Sometimes the weather doesn't cooperate, especially in Ohio. A few times this season I ran into some moderate rain and snow. I sat there as I watched the water literally hit my gear, stay in droplets, and roll off. Keeping me warm, dry, and ready to hunt.
PhotoflaugeⓇ is the creator of the first of its kind digital camouflage patterns utilizing both micro and macro patterns and High Definition photography based natural elements  
Under the arm zippers on the Pre-Rut 2.0 jacket
Versatility : One day it could be 60 degrees out, the next day 20 degrees out. One day I may have a short walk to my stand, another day a lengthy walk. One day I may have a short sit, the next may be an extended sit. You cannot predict your hunt, as the elements are always changing. This whitetail season I hunted in the range of Mid 30s to Low 70s. In the warmer temperatures, the fabric was excellent at keeping me dry as it wicks away moisture. This also aids in scent control with its antimicrobial technology, neutralizing odors to help keep me undetected by my prey. One of my favorite components of the Pre-Rut jacket are the zippers under the arms. On a cool morning when I am walking a long distance to my stand, I tend to get a little warm. I can layer my Jacket with the 1.0 Lightweight Series to wick away moisture, then unzip the underarms for extra breathability, movement, and temperature control. As it warms up I can take off my jacket and still be covered.
Pre-Rut 2.0 outer layer, Black Out 2.0 Base Layer
     During the cooler temperatures I was able to layer my Pre-Rut 2.0 gear with the Black Out 2.0 top and bottom. With the moisture wicking technology and waffle-weave construction of this series, I was able to stay warm and dry, giving me the ability to put 100% into my hunt. For temperatures in the 30s and lower I would recommend the Full-Rut Extreme jacket and pant.
    The jacket provides 2 chest and 2 hand zipped pockets. The chest zip pockets, I have found extremely useful when carrying my grunt tube around my neck. I can place it in the chest pocket  slightly zipped for easy access when I need it, while keeping it secure and out of my way when not in use. I also find these pockets handy for extra body warmers on colder days. The pants are equipped with cargo pockets, zipped hand pockets, and zipped thigh pockets. For a women this is a big deal because I have found that many of the women's hunting pants do not have cargo pockets. As an avid outdoorsmen cargo pockets are a must!
My son getting in on the Plythal photo action, he cannot wait to start hunting
Overall : I couldn't be more happy with this product. I have given my honest opinion, in the field examples, and in depth details. I look forward to the women's line in the future, and for now I am extremely satisfied with my Plythal gear. Plythal layering system has utilized a diversity of seasons and variety of terrain into their patterns. They have provided hunters with an all-season layering system, at a non-outrageous price, and I couldn't be more thankful as a hunter. From Stitch to Stand.

2016 Whitetail buck taken during Ohio gun season
6 weeks of hard hunting and preparation paid off
More Information : Please visit or Plythal Technical Gear on Facebook. Questions for myself about in the field use feel free to contact me on Facebook at Britni A Dunham - Ohio at . Follow our team Lethal Mission as all of us utilize Plythal in different states and seasons. Duck hunter? Be sure to check out the most innovative pattern yet! Digital Marsh.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

4 Basic Rules Of Deer Season

Short and sweet, the four basic rules I follow to harvest whitetail deer. They may sound petty but these are common mistakes that could cost you a whitetail every season.

1. Your ins and outs: Take your time and get in there early! Take the long way around to your stand/blind if it means you can avoid bedding and feeding areas. Rushing in and taking the easy route could cost you that mature whitetail you have been hunting. Shhhhhh.. Sneak in and sneak out.

2. Wind : Wrong wind for your favorite stand? Simply DON'T DO IT!!!! I don't care how much "scent control" you use. Don't do it!!!

3. Time of day : Evening stand? Hunt it in the evening only.. If you know deer feed in a specific field through the night to early morning, and that field is located between you and your stand.. That is an  evening stand. Hunt it in the evening! Morning stand? Normally located where you can catch them  coming back to their bedding area. Hunt it in the morning only. Simple right?

4. LEAVE THEM ALONE! I know it's awesome to see whitetail deer on your trail cam or scout them with your binoculars. I get it, I love it too. However, the less you make yourself known, the greater chance you will have at harvesting a whitetail. If you know the property you hunt and how the deer travel, then leave them be.. They will keep approximately the same pattern unless you pressure them. LEAVE THEM ALONE! If you notice more sign or a change in pattern during late or post season then set up on them next season. Deer will pattern you just as you pattern them.

* The only exception to these rules would be during the rut.. In that case.. Stay out the with them!!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

My Son Raised Outdoors

*Before you read please note that I am speaking in general, I am from Ohio and I know the extent of our terrain and the way we do things may not be the same as someone in the far west for example. That being said I hope you enjoy and would LOVE your feedback! I have listed some core values that I believe to be important in our every day lives, and how these values are met by raising our son in the outdoors. These core values shape us into the person we are today, and through the years seem to be dwindling to say the least.*

Responsibility : He will know and understand that any weapon can harm or kill if not handled responsibly. Example : Respect the gun and the power it contains. He will be taught to always have the safety on and to constantly check to make sure the safety is on. Never take the safety off unless he is secure and ready to shoot with his target in CLEAR sight. NEVER by any means point a gun/bow at anyone for ANY reason (real or fake).  The list goes on and on. Teaching our son safety early, he will gain responsibility as he grows and if he lacks then that privilege will be taken away. Raising him in the outdoors will also teach him responsibility when growing a garden, raising animals, harvesting animals (clean shot), not littering, containing a camp fire, etc. Responsibility cannot be taught through pressing buttons on a screen.

Exercise : Playing outdoors has a constant involvement of movement and imagination! Playing tag, building forts, and going on a “cave excursion” are some of the MANY possibilities. As soon as the sun comes up he is ready to go outside and play. He thinks it’s an adventure every time he goes with us to check cams or look for sheds.

Health : Plain and simple, he will be healthy! Eating what the good Lord has given him, the grocery store of the outdoors! No preservatives or hormones addedJ

Respect : Our son will know respect and right from wrong when being raised in the outdoors. Respect his elders and take their advice when sitting by a campfire sharing stories. Respect the animals and know that they provide him with meat. Poaching is disrespectful and lazy; playing by the book will still give him what he needs and a greater challenge! Also, only harvesting what he needs. There are always bag limits but why take 5 whitetail deer and 2 toms when your family only needs 2 whitetail deer and 1 tom? He will understand conservation but sometimes the area in which you live may not need the full bag limit taken. However, if it does he will have the respect for others to donate the meat to those in need and not waste it.  Another point of respect is that of the environment, take care of it and it will take care of you! 

Life Cycle & Learning : This is a big plus as a parent! As a three year old he understands the difference between something that is sleeping and something that is dead. This may sound harsh to some, but lets face it, every organism on this earth has a life cycle, which inevitably ends in death. He will understand that when he puts in the hard work to harvest an animal, that it is dead and will provide him with food, and the gut pile will provide scavengers with food… and well you know the circle of life. He gets to learn this HANDS ON! He gets to learn characteristics of different species: insects have 6 legs, mammals breathe with lungs, fish breathe with gills, worms live in the ground, deer use their antlers to mark their territory, turkeys gobble to locate, squirrels eat nuts and use their tails to balance, birds lay eggs, plants grow from a seed, need I go on? He can see and hear this right in front of him in their natural environment.. how amazing is that?

Patience : In order to hunt or live “simple” you have to have patience. By raising our son in the outdoors he will learn this value. He will have to be patient to kill that mature buck during the rut. He will have to be patient to hunt that big doe for extra meat. He will have to be patient to hunt that big ‘ole sharp-eyed gobbler in the spring. Everything in life takes patience, something you do not learn from a computer or video game.

Provider :  No matter what, our son will be able to provide for his family. He will know the land and have the ability to grow/build from it. He will be able to feed his family meat from the woods, fish from the creek, and vegetables from the garden. He may not always have a grocery store to go to, or enough money to buy the food that he needs. Without the knowledge listed above, how will you survive or provide for your family? I am not saying that he will never go to a store, but if ever that weren't an option he will be able to provide by other means.

Protector : “Country boy can survive” He will have the knowledge to operate and manage guns, bows, and muzzleloaders. If at any time he would need to protect himself, family, or friends from danger he will be capable. Plain, simple, and to the point.

Hard Work : He will learn that hard work pays off, do not expect anything in life to be handed to you.  Scouting, checking trail cams, setting/moving stands, scent control, etc. if he wants to harvest that mature buck or smart doe. Managing his land to keep the wildlife healthy and coming back for years upon years. A garden in itself can be all year with daily work and attention. He may have to travel further down the creek to catch the fish he needs, this takes a canoe/kayak or plenty of walking. However, the enjoyment/appreciation of catching that fish or harvesting that deer makes it all worth it in the end. Plus, who doesn’t love the serenity and beauty of the outdoors?

God, Purpose, Tranquility : God created Earth and life for a purpose. We have carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores. We have predators and prey. There is a circle of life. There is no denying this whether you believe in God or not. The point of this is that during some point of his life he will be faced with people with differing opinions, such as "anti-hunters". By him understanding the statements above he will be able to defend his way of life in a calm realistic manner knowing that everyone will have an opinion. Being a hypocrite is
different than having an opinion, and he will understand that as long as what he is doing is fulfilling his life and family, then he is doing what he was put on this Earth to do. No one can ever take that from him. He is the MAN the outdoors has made him.

Disclaimer : As I am raising him in such a way, my son will always have a choice to continue his journey in the outdoors or pursue something else. However, I will be proud of the MAN he will become because he is being instilled with these core values at such a young age. There is a difference!

All in all every aspect listed ties into one another. I could write a book on every detail, but hopefully I summarized it well enoughJ Raising our son in the outdoors is our decision and is how we were raised as well. I am not putting down any other way of raising children, however we were not designed to be placed in front of a TV/computer/ipad/xbox, inside, and sitting on a couch. Just being outside opens a child’s imagination and runs out that energy!


Thursday, March 5, 2015

C-EZ Reflective Outdoor Products Review

       C-EZ Reflective Outdoor Products is a company that provides outdoorsmen with highly reflective decals for many uses.  These decals are weather resistant and carry a 3-5 year rating. Each pack includes 1 window decal, 20 arrow-wrap strips, and 8 treestand wraps. When struck by a light source they are visible in low-zero light conditions.  They are the perfect "back up" when your lighted nock fails!

       The highly reflective decals are mainly used on arrows, treestands, and as trail markers. With a weight of only 1.5 grains, they do not effect your arrow flight! When tested against three arrows without the decals, there was no difference in placement on the target. The small pre-cut decals fit on any arrow shaft or crossbow bolt.  Wether your lighted nock fails or you do not use a lighted nock, these wraps are a must have in finding a missing arrow in low-zero light. All you have to do is take out your flashlight and look for the bright reflective decal, as shown below. C-EZ reflective wraps help you to recover your arrow, including broadhead which ultimately saves you money.

       Have any trouble finding your stand or navigating to and from your stand in the morning/evening? The larger sized pre-cut decals are perfect for wrapping around various parts of your treestand.  Also, for marking your ins and outs, your flashlight will reflect the decals for easy entry into and out of the woods.  Utilizing your ins and outs is a crucial part to hunting any animal, especially whitetails, and C-EZ reflective wraps will help you to be successful! 

       These versatile decals can also be used on turkey call strikers/locators, ATVs, utility trailers, cell phones, blinds, cargo racks, etc.  Each pack is $9.99 with a total of 29 decals and can be ordered through You can also find them on Facebook and Instagram for new products, giveaways, user testimonies, and more.  No matter the need, C-EZ highly reflective decals are a must have for any outdoorsman.  I know my arrows will be wrapped and my treestands/trails marked with C-EZ reflective decals.


Britni A. Dunham

Weighing only 1.5 grains, they do NOT effect your arrow flight.
2014 Season Buck.

Also check out for C-EZ apparel

Weighing 1.5 grains, they do NOT effect your arrow flight!

Just For Does Reflective Arrow & Treestand Wraps
C-EZ Pink Reflective Arrow & Treestand Wraps
Realtree Edition Reflective Arrow & Treestand Wraps

 3-5 year rating and are very visible in low-zero light conditions when struck by any source of light.

Just For Bucks Edition Reflective Arrow & Treestand Wraps

C-EZ Green Reflective Arrow and Treestand Wraps

MLB Edition Reflective Arrow and Treestand Wraps

CRUSH Edition Reflective Arrow and Treestand Wraps 

C-EZ Wraps in action on a treestand!

All of the options

Check it out!